Plan your holiday

Our staff

The ones who greet you with a smile. The ones who provide you with insider tips. The ones who spoil you with culinary delights. The ones who care about your well-being. The ones who make your holidays unforgettable!

What would the Ratschingserhof be without our staff and the heart and soul they put into their work? Get to know the people who make your holiday so special!
Our kitchen pros

“cooking is his passion”
He is our newbie and can be found in the kitchen with Alfons and Max. His main goal is to create delicious dishes for our guests and to learn something new every day.


"sweets are vegetables for the soul"
She is our fairy for all sweet things. Whether it's cakes, ice cream or desserts, together with Hannah, Selina conjures up the finest sweets for our guests. She started working here this summer and brought a bit of a female touch to our kitchen crew. She's always up for a bit of fun and is always in a good mood. It's great to have you here.


“the all-rounder”
Muniru has been part of our team for five years. He is originally from Gambia but now lives in the parish house of Mareit. He comes to work every day by bike, no matter the weather, and always has plenty of energy. He’s not just responsible for cleaning the dishes; he also waters flowers, disposes of rubbish, mows the lawn, moves tables, and weeds the garden – this and much more make up his job with us. He’s our jack of all trades!

Our housekeepers

“it’s all about the guests”
Allow us to introduce the shining star of the hotel: Wally.
For more than 20 years, Wally has been working with us as a housekeeper. And she does this job with her heart and soul... a second pillow, an extra blanket, or any other special request from our guests – Wally often fulfils these wishes before they even reach the reception. She knows what our guests need to feel even more comfortable in our hotel. She happily waves the feather duster, making sure everything is clean for our guests. We know we can count on her and are glad to have her on our team.


“Trixi in action”
Beatrix has also been part of our team for many years. She supports Wally in cleaning the rooms. No task is too much for her, and all guests’ wishes are fulfilled to the best of her ability. Trixi – as we call her – is a very relaxed person. She is always friendly and happy to help our guests. We are delighted to have her with us.

At the reception

“anything is possible – and with a smile”
At check-in, our guests are welcomed with a warm Servus! Hello! from Vanessa. When she is not with her goats on the mountain, she’s running the reception and has been since 2020. She does her best to respond to all the guests’ wishes every day. Vanessa is happy to make arrangements, whether it’s a beautiful bouquet, a hair appointment, or a carriage ride. She knows the area very well and has lots of hiking (secret) tips in store! For the best biker tour, you can also turn to her.


Our fantastic servers

"our team mom"
Family is the most important thing for Monika, and you can see that here in the team too. Monika has been here for over 2 years now and has become like a "mom" to everyone... She's always in a good mood, has good advice for everything and, what's more, she reads all our guests' wishes from their lips. Dear Monika, stay as wonderful as you are.


"our only rooster in the yard"
Marcel did a summer job here and spontaneously decided to stay (because it's so nice :-)...) and do a service apprenticeship in our hotel. This makes him the first waiter apprentice that we are allowed to train. A first!!! Marcel is also the only male member of our service team, making him our only rooster in the yard...


“the spring chicken”
Steffi has already completed several internships with us. And she seems quite happy at the Ratschingserhof because she is now permanently employed in service. Although she is only 19years old, she is hard-working, skilled, committed, and already very professional. No wonder with a mother like hers! Brigitte, who gets her spotlight below, works side by side with her daughter. 😊


“strength lies in serenity”
Hannes joined our service team in summer 2024. He brings some male support for our Marcel. Hannes is calm and has always a smile on his face. Whether in the morning at breakfast, in the afternoon with cake, or in the evening with a “Schnapserl” (schnaps) – his friendly and polite personality always brings a smile to our guests’ faces. Hannes goes to great lengths and tries to fulfil our guests’ every wish. We are very pleased to have Hannes as a part of our team.


“it’s all under control”
Powerhouse Brigitte manages the place and really does have everything under control. With her, you can be sure: She’ll make every wish come true and to your utmost satisfaction.


“always up for a chat”
Our dearest Ingrid has been working for us in service for many years. Ingrid has the shortest commute because she lives right across the street. :-) She trained in Brixen as a hotel clerk and has been working as a waitress since she was 16. You can always have a wonderful chat with her; many guests especially appreciate her stories about our valley.


“the rock”
Although already in well-deserved retirement, she is still one of us: Helga #2, a true veteran who has done so much for the Ratschingserhof. Even today, you can still count on her in times of need.


“the early bird...”
Every morning, Margareth enthrals our guests! She is our breakfast cook. From the classic fried egg to the custom scrambled egg, Margareth prepares everything with love. She’s quick, sweet, charming, and always in a good mood – even in the early morning. 😊 It would be hard to imagine a morning without Margareth!